“Ascultarea este …riscul mergerii noastre spre riscul mergerii lui Dumnezeu spre noi”
Gabriel Bunge
Ce indraznet si adevarat si viu si curat suna…
“Ascultarea este …riscul mergerii noastre spre riscul mergerii lui Dumnezeu spre noi”
Gabriel Bunge
Ce indraznet si adevarat si viu si curat suna…
“Urmand unei vechi traditii platonice, inca demult increstinate, Evagrie considera ca “sufletul rational” are 3 parti, facultati, puteri: intelegatoare sau rationala sau cunoscatoare (logistikon), manioasa sau irascibila (thymikon), poftitoare sau concupiscenta (epithymetikon).
…O excursie pe pamant, in creatie, in care eu/spiritul meu, bucata de Dumnezeu, primesc un prieten drag, de ajutor, un cal adica trupul si sufletul meu si, la inceput naravas si apoi impreuna, ajutandu-ne, calaretul strunind calul, aducem in creatie un mesaj, un dar, o binecuvantare de la Dumnezeu pentru ceilalti oameni si de care, prin generozitatea Lui ne bucuram si noi din plin. Scopul excursiei este sa ne intoarcem acasa, incercati dar victoriosi in tentatii si spalati de neadevar, mesageri si lucratori vrednici.
Dear Endayene, of course I remember you and I keep you and the memory of our meeting with joy. I love the T-shirt you gave me as a present, Thank you!
I have just returned from Africa after a 6 weeks away from home journey. It was a great experience of travelling with God inside myself and trusting Him and allowing him to adjust and guide my steps and my life. It is an amazing experience to let myself be in God’s grace. I pray to God for you to be healthy, prosper, balanced, fruitful in God’s will, courageous, to have only fear of God, to be compassionate, loving, kind, without envy or anger, to praise Him and stay silent in everything else, to know Him in His Glory, to be humble in yourself and great in Him. And this I pray for myself also!
My dear friend I must say I loved Ethiopia, loved the people, the culture, the music, food but especially the faith! God bless you and your people!
I hope we will see each other again in your beautiful country. In the meantime, let us live for the Glory of God in us and in the world.
Dragos, your Romanian friend,